Beach Vacation Photos Gone Horribly Wrong


These candid moments of beachgoers battling rogue waves, grappling with wind-blown umbrellas, and befriending unsuspecting crabs are sure to leave you in stitches and longing for your next seaside adventure (with a pinch of caution). So grab your snorkel, flip-flops, and a healthy sense of humor, as we embark on this sun-soaked voyage through laughter and beachside misadventures!

The Irish Sunbather

A sunbathing photo has gone viral. Can you see why?

A number of viewers have been stumped by the optical illusion and cannot see anything. Upon closer inspection, a woman lies behind her.

Bad Timing. Period

Pain, food cravings, and mood swings are all part of having periods on a regular basis.

We naturally cancel our plans to go swimming because our bodies have decided summer vacation is the perfect time to have our periods.

Face Full

This lady would disagree with the notion that sand is soft and forgiving.

We imagine she'll be picking sand out of her teeth long after the pain goes away from her neck! I hope she learned to leave flips to the professionals!

Bad Parenting

Is this kid's mother around? I hope it isn't one of these ladies.

It looks like everyone is having a great time, but this photo just creeps us out. A beach wedding gone horribly, horribly wrong!

Ohhh, The Pain

This is 100% skin poisoning. Her next few days will be brutally painful.

Please let this be a lesson to you never to fall asleep on the beach without sun protection on. 


There's no shame in his game.

For the love of all that is holy, Dad, put on some pants.

Backside Selfie

Respect for oneself? The perfect selfie doesn't care about it.

There has to be a better way to capture the perfect beach photo. It would be a bit more understandable if she weren't striking this ridiculous pose in front of everyone! 

He's Got Game

What a gold digger she is. There was a rumor that monkey was a venture capitalist.

There is something adorable about monkeys, but we are fine not getting up close and personal with them. There are clearly boundary issues with them.

Feeding The Locals

It was either extremely cute or extremely terrifying what happened after this photo.

They may be adorable begging for food, but if they want a full vacation experience, they should pay for it! Taking a trip is expensive enough without having freeloading monkeys always bothering you! 

Topless Beach

The beach can be unpredictable. You never know what you're going to see!

I hope he knows the woman and isn't just some poor stranger who had to fetch her clothing!

Stingray Friend

It's hard to make friends. Even more challenging is making interspecies friends.

These women don't seem too happy about having a new friend. Although they shouldn't judge based on appearances, they should definitely keep an eye on that stinger! 

Billboard Bomb

If you're looking at the billboard you're doing it all wrong.

Great beach selfie ruined by a bad placed billboard sign. You can't have it all.

Glam Gator

Is there a reason why this gator is wearing a pearl necklace?

Each animal the tour guide forced her to hold caused her to erupt in bloodcurdling screams. The next time, she chose a city vacation rather than a beach one.

Why Kim?

For whatever reason, Kimmy K thought this was the perfect time to empty her water bottle.

Her pouring out perfectly good water into the ocean is surely meant to be symbolic, or even "sexy," but it's a complete failure.

Cheeky Wave

The beach is a perfect opportunity for pervs.

We're on to you Charlie! This was all an excuse to have a sexy beach party, wasn't it? We'll assume our invitation was lost in the mail.

Sprite Shower

The Sprite-themed showers aren't soda fountains, but I wouldn't use them as a post-beach shower.

The idea to build a beach shower in the shape of a soda fountain is pretty clever. Don't we have enough beach advertising though?

Cranky Chimp

I'll take the picture, but I'm not thrilled, so hurry up.

Is there a place where chimps roam around the beach? We hope there isn't a zoo nearby that had monkeys taking over!

Holy Surfing

Holy water doesn't come from the ocean, does it?

She may be surfing for a Halloween event or costume party, but we believe she's surfing for the Holy Spirit. With the Lord by your side, anything is possible!

Horny Dolphin

Despite their cuteness, dolphins are too clever for their own good, and some are even pervy.

Wild animals have a tendency to act in surprising ways, but we had no idea they could be so manipulative. In this case, nosy!

Hands Free Frisbee

They should have gone with a golden retriever instead, I'm not sure what breed it is.

The game of frisbee looks simple, but it is actually quite complicated. Her nose and teeth hopefully survived this brutal encounter.

Love Triangle

I don't know which is more miserable, the horses or the guy in the ocean.

How in the world did they even get horses that far out into the water? They are pretty stubborn animals.

Seconds Before Disaster

A fun day at the beach is about to take a painful turn.

It's yet another reason to leave your dog behind when you go to the beach. Dogs want us to believe that they are man's best friend, but this photo proves otherwise.

Starfish Suit

She looks more like a starfish than a human at this point.

It's understandable that people want to take the perfect beach photo, but sometimes they go too far. No starfish were harmed for the making of this photo.

Jealousy Is Showing

Jessica Alba and her fiance Cash Warren spending New Year's Day on Miami Beach.

The star couple obviously drew some attention. Paparazzi was so intense that the police were called.

Life Lesson

The sand isn't as forgiving as it appears. 

This picture is particularly funny because of the dad's face in the background. Despite his daughter taking a fall at the beach, he's still having a great time.

Perfect Wetsuit

A woman in wetsuit, right? Wrong.

In reality, she's wearing nothing more than expertly applied body paint, and the longer I look at this picture, the less sense it makes.

Ocean Spray

First time to the ocean, and this is what he does.

Fish literally use the ocean as a toilet, so why shouldn't other creatures use it as well?

That One Friend

We all have that one goofball friend who can never take a serious photo.

She tried to be sexy but failed miserably. Makes for a memorable photo, though.

Moments of Misfortune

Hollywood is remaking The Birds.

Is anyone ever really deserving of being pooped on? Not really, but we have a hard time empathizing with him. Is this what he thought would happen?

Bikini Fail

Maybe we're the ones who've been wearing it wrong all along?

Beach tip: Before leaving the house ask yourself "is this on backwards and is everybody going to laugh at me?"

Beach Etiquette

There's no heartwarming human moment that will stop a dog from going to the bathroom when he needs to go.

This picture will probably make you rethink bringing your dog to the beach! At least you're at the beach, so you've got plenty of water to wash off. 


Although it's hard to tell, what that woman is holding looks like a jellyfish.

It's funny because she's holding on without a care in the world. It's pretty dangerous to hold even dead jellyfish so casually.

Hang Tight

A tube ride like this has these guys catching some serious air.

C'mon it's only water! It won't hurt that badly. Everyone should be fine after this crash.

Full Moon

The sun is out, and the buns are out, too.

That would've made a good picture, but there's an almost full moon behind them. And what is going on with that Richard Nixon back tattoo?

Beach Bum

At least he got the shirtless part right.

He wasn't exactly a bum, but he wasn't in the right clothes for the beach.

Awkward Family Photo

There’s nothing quite as funny as a dodgy family photo.

If going goth makes you happy, we're all for it. Whatever makes you feel comfortable in your skin. It does make for a funny photo, though.

Horsing Around

Horses are not exempt from following the law either.

Unless he turns his life around fast, this bronco may face a glue factory sentencing.


Hopefully these two know each other.

If not, this probably ends in an arrest. There's more discreet ways to look at a butt. This isn't it.

Floaties Lifehack

Safety always comes first. The ocean can be a dangerous place.

These people are clearly unaware that life jackets are cheap and readily available. We applaud their effort.

Interesting Design

Turns from a long board to a short board in cold water.

There are only two types of people: People who pee in their wetsuit, and liars.

Stealing the Spotlight

You have to be able to control your booze during Spring Break.

Depending on who you are in this photo, you're either having an amazing day at the beach or a terrible day at the beach.

Sandy Predicament

Boats are supposed to go into the water, am I right?

We'd like to know how this ended. Did they dig out the truck or is it a permanent fixture on the beach now?

Worst Nightmare

It's every fat person's worst nightmare!

At least this fat guy had someone to help him! I can only imagine the embarrassment that guy had to endure after that! 

Say Cheese

Nowadays, people go on vacation to take selfies, not to relax. 

The perfect beach photos won't just appear on their own. It's a risky gamble to take your phone into open waters.

Shark Sighted

This isn't a Jaws scene, it's a real-life photo.

Despite a sign like this, many beachgoers were undeterred by a shark encounter. I hope everyone who was in the water made it out safely!

Who Wears It Better?

The human body comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.

No better place to see the assortment of those shapes than the beach.

Blame Game

"It was your fault." "No, clearly it was your fault!"

These guys seem to have moved on from the whole "sinking-truck" situation and are now about to throw hands. The guy with the keys is caught red-handed.


Didn't she know it's impossible to cannon ball in one foot of water.

Next time you do a cannon ball off a lake dock, you might want to check how deep the water is. Amazing timing from the photographer.

More Shade

If you don't have anything to protect you from the sun, just use your underwear.

Sometimes you have to be resourceful and use what you have. The person could have used the cloths they were lying on for protection, but that would make too much sense.

Crash Landing

Trying to get that first family beach vacation photo isn't always easy.

It’s all fun and games until the wave rolls in. This classic photo fail moment was captured on camera and will live on forever.


When you forget your sun screen at home, another solution is rolling around in mud.

Was he seeking sun protection or just wanting to take a mud bath? In either case, this guy is applying SPF 100% dirt.

Summers Off

During Santa's summer offseason, he spends most of his time at the beach.

All work and no play makes for a dull Christmas. It's time for the big man to take a break.


When the sun comes out, so do the photobombers!

Gram probably never had a clue she was intruding. Try including her next time ladies.

Sandy Landing

Why is there no urgency or rushing to the crash site?

Let's hope those plane seats worked as flotation devices. Hey, at least they're at the beach now.

All Alone

The sad music is playing in the background as this guy is sandwiched between two happy couples.

Hopefully, this picture was only intended as a joke. If not, this guy's life may be even sadder than we anticipated.

Man Bra

For this guy’s sake, we hope this was just a dare.

Hopefully this organic do-it-yourself man bra won't become a real trend.

Free Tan

Want the beach tan without having to pay for beach tags? Here's an option.

If you can't get to the beach to tan, you might take extreme measures, but laying in a parking lot is too dangerous.

Submarine Stop

Are submarines really that big? This photo sure puts it into perspective.

The question becomes — why is it so close to a beach full of tourists? In any regard, really interesting photo we thought should be included.


Smiling and posing while the pier is burning. Too soon, not cool.

She garnered worldwide attention after this photo of her happily posing as a pier burned to the ground behind her was uploaded online.

Bad Habits

The crabs are suffering people, be better.

The crabs are suffering because of vacationers who don't clean up after themselves. It's time to make a stand.

Join The Party

Taking center stage in this shot, this guy will live in infamy.

So there I was, just relaxing at the beach, when this hoard of teenage girls started posing. Naturally, I beelined it out of there, just stopping on the way to ask if any of them had a cool tree fiddy.

Together Forever

While they might both be under house arrest, at least they are with each other.

It's actually kind of cute. They have matching bracelets. Hopefully they're not violating their parole by being on the beach.

I'll Take That

Seagulls — "The rats of the beach."

A seagull wreaking havoc on a beach is a classic beach activity. Who knew they were such fashionistas?


Nothing compares to endulging in some adult beverages on the beach.

Already freeloaders, now babies dip into the beer cooler? Kids these days are expensive. Where are the parents?

Don't Mind Me

Sorry mom, didn't see you there. I'll only be a second.

Nobody can tell that good boy where to sit! Please, just don't poop on my head.

Head Scratcher

Electronic devices and water don't exactly mix well.

We all need a break, but it's not your laptop's fault you're overworked. Leave it at home next time and pack your beach towel instead.

Beach Dance

Something about this picture makes me very uncomfortable yet I can't look away.

He was just having a David Hasselhoff moment on the beach. You can't blame a guy for trying!

Never Alone

"See that thing there bro, what do you think it is?"

Mothers know that privacy comes at a price, and this mom clearly couldn't afford it at the moment.


The latest Chinese beach craze — The facekini.

Hopefully this stays in China, and doesn't make its way over. Why have fun in the sun if there's no “in the sun?"

Open Up

Assuming this wasn't the first beer they drank that afternoon.

And probably not the last. They're having a great time and not bothering any one. Hope the hangover wasn't brutal, ladies.


Yes, you saw correct. This man is applying sun screen with a paint roller.

Before you say "hurr fat people," even as a skinny person, it's impossible to get sunscreen on your back unaided. True men of genius, indeed.

Your Time Is Up

Retire the bikini grandma, your time is up.

You love the beach, fine, but it's time for a one piece. The beach is a family atmopshere, kids are present. Gross.

Question Mark

What are you doing on the beach dressed like that?

I don't even know what to say, honestly. Two body builders dressed in bikinis. Let's move on before I throw up.

Beach Bookworm

Interesting book title. Think I might give this a read.

Reading on the beach is a popular pastime for many people, offering a relaxing and enjoyable way to spend time outdoors while diving into a good book.

Same Shape

Chubby tourist discovers hilly landscape is exactly the same shape as his body.

A man poses in front of the Island Of The Pregnant Maiden in Langkawi, an archipelago of 104 islands in the Andaman Sea.

First Day

The first day of summer is always the worst.

Summer is often associated with relaxation, fun activities, and sunny days, it's important to acknowledge that not every day may live up to those expectations.


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